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Q: What is the value of the 6 in 327.46degrees centigrade?
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How do you convert Centigrade to Kelvin?

If you have a known value for temperature in degrees Centigrade (Celsius), say for example 20oC then you simply add this to the value 273.15 to obtain a value of the temperature in Kelvin. Hence:- 273.15 + 20 = 293.15K

What is 6 degrees centigrade in Fahrenheit?


Which value is the same temperature in both centigrade and Fahrenheit?

-40 oC = -40 oF

Which temperature has the same value in both Centigrade and Fahrenheit?

The cross-over temperature is -40.

Which temperature has the same value in Centigrade and Fahrenheit?

The temperature that has the same value in both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales is -40 degrees.

How do you convert 70 Fahrenheit to centigrade scale?

Formula to converting Fahrenheit to Centigrade:---- C= 5/9(F-32) Put the value of F, C= 5/9(70-32) =5/9x38 =190/9 C= 21.111 You may say that 70Fahrenheit=21.11 Centigrade.

Is a degree centigrade greater than a degree Fahrenheit?

No, a degree Celsius is not greater in value than a degree Fahrenheit. In fact, both temperature scales have different zero points and do not equate at the same value.

Which temperature has thesame value in both centigrade and Fahrenheit?

The temperature -40 degrees is the same value in both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

Can the amplitude of a sound wave can be described by a centigrade scale?

No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.

Does the absolute value of six have the same value?

|6| = 6 (The absolute value of 6 is 6, the same number you started with.) 6 = 6 (The absolute value of the absolute value of 6 is 6.)

Which is warmest -4 degrees centigrade or 0 degrees centigrade?

It is: 0 degrees centigrade that is warmest

How do you get your answer for absolute value?

absolute value is always a positive value ... Abs value | -6 | = 6 | 6 | = 6