

What is to derive the answer?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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14y ago

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It means to take the derivative, which is the slope. It can be found using the difference quotient formula (f(x+h) - f(x)) /h .

Or, you can use the power rule.

If you had the expression "6X^3 - 3X + 4", the derivative would be "18x^2 - 3 + 0"

You look at each term and multiply the exponant by the coefficient, and make it the new coefficient, then you subtract one from the exponant to be the new exponant. The x stays there. In the second term, the x went away because it became essentially X^0, or 1. And the 4 has 0 as the derivative because the 4X^0 brings the 0 out in front to multiply with the 4, and 4*0 is 0.

But basically it means find the slope (or rate of change) of the answer.

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