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Q: What is value of n if one angle is 133 degrees an one is 142 exterior angles?
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How much is a exterior angle?

An exterior angle can have any value provided the sum of all exterior angles is 360 degrees.

What is the measure of the exterior angles in a triangle?

An exterior angle of a triangle can have a value between (but not including) 0 to 180 degrees.

What is the size of an exterior angle of decagon?

An exterior angle of a decagon can have any value in the range (0, 360) degrees - excluding 180 degrees. The only constraint is that the sum of all exterior angles must be 360 degrees.

What is the exterior angle of a heptagon?

The 7 exterior angles of a septagon or a heptagon add up to 360 degrees

What is the measure of an exterior angle of nonagon?

The sum of all the exterior angles of a nonagon is 360 degrees. Any specific exterior angle can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees (except 180) subject the their sum being 360.

What is the Value of each exterior angle in a regular polygon with 10 sides?

The interior angles are 36 degrees since all 10 corners have to add up to 360 degrees. I guess the exterior angle would be 360 - 36 = 324 degrees.

One exterior angles of 54gon?

Providing that it is a regular 54-agon then each exterior angle is 360/54 = 6.'6' degrees recurring '6'

What is the exterior angle of an octogon?

An exterior angle of an octagon can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees apart from 180 degrees.

How do you find the measure of an interior angle with 16 sides?

You cannot. An interior angle of a 16-sided polygon can have any value. However, IF the polygon is regular, then each of its exterior angles is 360/16 = 22.5 degrees. The interior angle, being a supplementary angle to the exterior angle, will be 180-22.5 = 157.5 degrees.

What are the interior and exterior angles of a heptagon?

The interior angles can have any value in the range (0, 360) except 180 degrees and the same for the exterior angles. The only constraint is that the sum of the exterior angles is 360 degrees.

Size of an exterior angle in a chiliagon?

An exterior angle of any polygon can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees apart from 180 degrees.

How do you calculate each interior angle of a regular decagon with a explanation?

There are two formulae which can be used for this: 1: As the exterior angles of a regular n-sided polygon are 360/n degrees, the interior angle is 180 less this value; 2: The total of the interior angles of any n-sided polygon is (2n - 4) right angles so in a regular polygon each angle is that value divided by n. In your example n = 10, so by method 1 exterior angles are 36 degrees making the interior angles therefore 144 degrees; By method 2 the total of the interior angles is 16 x 90 ie 1440 degrees, making each angle 1440/10 ie 144 degrees!