

What is velocity of waves?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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(Wavelength) multiplied by (frequency).

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Q: What is velocity of waves?
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The same.

Is the velocity of light more than velocity of radio waves?

No as they are both electromagnetic waves so have the same velocity but have differing wavelengths and frequencies.

What is sound wave velocity?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves in air. Velocity of sound waves in air at NTP = 332 m/s.

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The velocity of the wave

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If resistance is negligible, then there is no terminal velocity.

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P waves have a higher velocity than S waves. This is known because P waves (Primary waves) arrive at recording stations faster than all other waves. S waves (Secondary waves) arrive second at recording stations.

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it depends on the waves and how they are connected to the velocity. Remember, that velocity increases from left to right on a periodic table. The velocity is 24 amu per mile.

What waves have the highest velocities in earthquakes?

P waves (PRIMARY Waves) have the highest average velocity as they travel through the earth's materials.

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The standard value of velocity of ultrasonic waves in benzene liquid is 1260 m/sec.

In a vacuum all electromagnetic waves have?

In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have equal velocity.

Are p-waves faster than s-waves and surface waves?

Yes. P-waves have the highest velocity of all seismic waves and surface waves have the lowest.