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Q: What is verbal description method in math?
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What does verbal method mean in math?

it is the method that use to discribe the set using word

What is verbal description method?

For example, A is the set of letters in the name " Laila ". That is an example of a verbal.

What are the three ways to describe a set of numbers?

The first one is roster method or listing method. The second one is verbal description method and the third one is set builder notation.

Definition of verbal phrase in math?

go to the google to fine verbal phrases

what is the verbal description for 0.25r + 0.6s?

Verbal description for 0.25r plus 0.6s is "A burst of speed leaves the runner as they approach the finish line."

What is a verbal model as in a math term?

A verbal model is an expression that uses words instead of numbers

What is the meaning of verbal expressions in Algebra?

a verbal expressions is a math questions .for example 8+6

How would help a non verbal client to make her choices?

hand description can be made to a non verbal client

Who invented the traditional method in math?

Eisner Hewer invented traditional method in math

What is a math verbal model?

A math verbal model is when a mathematical model is completely written out in words instead of numerals. There are also no graphs, formulas, or tables as they are simply written out like sentences.

What is the definition of verbal comprehension index?

Based on the description of the Verbal Comprehension Index relating to the WISC-IV, the VCI is a measure of verbal concept formation, verbal reasoning, and knowledge acquired from one's environment.

Z-19 34 as a verbal sentence?

The equation z-19 time 34 is a verbal sentence. This a math problem.