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There are many units which are used to measure the lengths of the object . The smallest unit of length is fero meter.

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Q: What it the smallest unit of length?
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The smallest unit of length shown. There are 1000 of these in one meter.

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By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that smallest and largest unit of length in the metric system is km and fero meter.

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cm (centimeter) is a unit of length. I don't recognize dc as a unit of length, so most likely you can't convert it.

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What is the smallest unit of length and largest unit of length in the metric system?

There is only one unit of length in the metric system, the metre. Millimetres, kilometres, centimetres are just multiples or divisions of the metre.

What is the smallest measurement for length?

The smallest unit of length is a Planck Length. This is the equivalent of a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. This is too small for the human eye to see without assistance like a microscope.

What is the smallest unit of length in the standard system?

the smallest form of measurement is a nanometer

Which is the best unit for measuring the length of an ant?

The best unit for measuring the length of an ant is millimeters or centimeters. The ants are too tiny and the smallest unit of measurement would be ideal for them.

The smallest unit to measure length is?

The smallest unit is the Planck Length. Theoretically, it is not that there can be nothing smaller, but for various reasons that have nothing to do with the limits of technology there is nothing that can be known about anything that happens to be smaller. For scale, the number of Planck Lengths in the diameter of a proton is 10 to the twentieth power.

Is attometre the smallest unit of length?

There really is no smallest unit of length..since real numbers go on infinitely in both directions, fractions can become almost infinitely small. So no, attometer isn't the smallest unit because there can always be something smaller. It just becomes a matter of finding an appropriate prefix (milli for 1/1000, nano for 1/1000000000, and so on) or the correct scientific notation to express it. If someone tells you there's a "smallest", they're kinda lying to you.What_is_the_smallest_unit_of_measurement_for_distance