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Previous answer is totally wrong. This person should be ashamed of himself because his profile says he has bachelors degree in linguistics. There are many alphabets in use in India today, the most obvious example would be the Nagari alphabet, which is used to write Hindi and Marathi languages, among others. Nagari is a true 'alphabet' because there is a letter to represent each sound- for example when a baby says 'ma ma' so he is saying two sounds which are represented by two distinct letters, 'M' and 'A'. in Hindi the letter that makes 'M' sound kind of looks like a #4, and a letter next to it that looks like a straight up and down stick represents the 'A' sound. There are other major languages of India that do not use alphabets per se, but rather 'syllabaries'. Tamil is a good example. In Tamil there is a unique letter, just one letter, that makes the full 'MA' sound. A consonant and a vowel are a part of the same letter. So the language is written in syllables. So perhaps you meant to ask, "how many scripts are used in India?" while I don't know the answer to that, I can tell you that many major languages use a unique script. As far as I know, only Bengali language is used for their script. Same for Malayalam, Telugu etc. I can speak, read and write many Indian languages. I love it when people have an interest in any of these languages, and it makes me crazy when idiots give wrong advice to those seeking knowledge. To anyone in need of linguistic help please feel free to ask me at dieloisvilewoman at Yahoo.

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14y ago

There is no such thing as an Indian alphabet. India has dozens of different commonly used native writing systems for its various languages, but none of them qualifies as an alphabet.

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14y ago

Only the Latin Alphabet for English. Other languages of India use non-alphabetic writing systems called abugidas or "alpha-syllabaries".

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