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Q: What kind of graph would result if period T were graphed as a function of the square root of the length?
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Determinant of matrix in java?

/*This function will return the determinant of any two dimensional matrix. For this particular function a two dimensional double matrix needs to be passed as arguments - Avishek Ghosh*/ public double determinant(double[][] mat) { double result = 0; if(mat.length 2) { result = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; return result; } for(int i = 0; i < mat[0].length; i++) { double temp[][] = new double[mat.length - 1][mat[0].length - 1]; for(int j = 1; j < mat.length; j++) { System.arraycopy(mat[j], 0, temp[j-1], 0, i); System.arraycopy(mat[j], i+1, temp[j-1], i, mat[0].length-i-1); } result += mat[0][i] * Math.pow(-1, i) * determinant(temp); } return result; }

What is the area of 1.5 meters 1 meter?

If you are talking about the rectangle, just multiply length x width. The result in this case will be in square meters.If you are talking about the rectangle, just multiply length x width. The result in this case will be in square meters.If you are talking about the rectangle, just multiply length x width. The result in this case will be in square meters.If you are talking about the rectangle, just multiply length x width. The result in this case will be in square meters.

What is composite function?

This is a combination of two functions, where you apply the first function and get a result and then fill that answer into the second function. OR These are what you get when you take the output of one function and use it to solve the output of the next function.

How many days after bleeding implantation or a period can a Home Pregnancy Test be done for a reliable result?

for a most accurate result try a test on the day or after your period is missed

What is the free-fall acceleration in a location where the period of a 0.850 m long pendulum is 1.86 s?

Time period and length of a pendulum are related by: T = 2(pi)(L).5(g).5 so putting in the values and solving for g yields a result of : g = 9.70 ms-2

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What kind of graph would result if the period of the pendulum T were graphed as a function of the square root of the length of the pendulum?

With a simple pendulum, provided the angular displacement is less than pi/8 radians (22.5 degrees) it will be a straight line, through the origin, with a slope of 2*pi/sqrt(g) where g is the acceleration due to gravity ( = 9.8 mtres/sec^2, approx). For larger angular displacements the approximations used in the derivation of the formula no longer work and the error is over 1%.

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The technical or jargon term "upsloping" is used for mountain precipitation, and sometimes with reference to a graphed result.

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A nonconstant function is called periodic if there exists a number that you can add to (or subtract from) the argument and get the same result. The smallest such positive number is called the period. That is, nonconstant function f(x) is periodic, if and only if f(x) = f(x + h) for some real h. The smallest positive such h is the period. For example, the sine function has period 2*pi, and the function g(x) := [x] - x has period 1.

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If you refer to linear equations, graphed as straight lines, two inconsistent equations would result in two parallel lines.

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Both A function and a Sub carry out a procedure, but only A function returns a result while a Sub does not return a result.

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Someone's coursework?! This function is for an array of integers, the length of the array is Count. int MaxInt(NumArray as *int, Count as int) { int Inst; int Result; Result = NumArray[0]; for (Inst=0;Inst { if(NumArray[Inst] > Result) { Result = NumArray[Inst]; } } return Result; }

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They both can only give the result TRUE or FALSE. However, given the same values, they will not always give the same result. All conditions in an AND function must be fulfilled to give a TRUE result whereas only one needs to be fulfilled in an OR function.

If Period not late but fell sick?

Physical stressors (including illness) can result in a delay in ovulation and as a result the timing of a woman's period.

Which logical function returns a true result only when all its arguments are true?

The AND function.