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M with a line above it is the Roman numeral for a million.

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Q: What language has a letter m with a line over it?
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What is a million in roman numrals?

(M) or an M with a line over it.

What is 9542498165 in Roman numerals?

You really can't, as I don't want to be here all day typing M's, but it would be M with a line over it (x9542) C with a line over it, D with a line over it, L with a line over it, X with a line over it (x48), CXXXV.

What is 112099 in Roman Numerals?

Since the highest letter is only M (1,000) you need to do multiplication to get to 100,000. When you put a horizontal line over a letter it multiplies it by 1,000 So what is 100,000/1,000? It's 100. So you need the letter C with a horizontal line over it. For 10,000, an X with the horizontal line. 2,000 can just be 2 regular M's and 99 is XCIX. Therefore 112,099 all together is CX(with the line over these 2 letters)MMXCIX

What is roman numeral for 1000000?

1,000,000 is represented by an M with a line over it: _ M

What words are language arts terms that start with the letter M?


What shape or line starts with the letter M?

· mobius strip

A nine letter word with second letter o with fifth letter m and eight letter y?

There is no such word in the English language.

Does the letter M have a line of symmetry?

Yes, straight down the middle.

How are greater roman numerals formed?

Greater Roman numerals are formed using two methods. Normally when writing a large Roman numeral such as 1,000,000 we would place a line over the letter "M". The line on top identifies the number needs to be multiplied by 1000. M with a line = 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000. Now since we cannot place a line on top of a letter on a Computer, larger roman numerals are denoted with parentheses. (M) = 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000

What is the abbreviation for one thousand?

"k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..) "k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..)

Seven letter word starting with futre and ending with m?

None in the English language.