

What lines go straight across?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What lines go straight across?
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Does length go up an down or straight across?

Straight across

Do latitude lines go up and down or across?

Latitude lines go -------- (across) And Longitude goes | | | (up & down)

What is parallel line in math?

two straight lines that will never intersect. ex. ___________ _____________ the lines go straight and never met.

Why do shadows go in straight lines?

Because light travels in straight lines. (unless some form of meta-material is present in its path).

How do you connect nine lines with four dots without overlapping the lines and not lifting your pencil?

start at the bottom left hand corner and go straight up and over the top left hand corner then go horizontally down and even with the bottom right hand corner then go straight across the bottom to the bottom left hand corner and go horizontally to the top right hand corner

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A curvilinear pattern is a curvilinear shape ( a shape made completely of curved lines. no straight lines/edges) repeated across a plane.

What is differences between parallelism and perpendicularity?

parallell lines will never touch each other (if they went on forever) perpendicular lines touch each other at a 90° angle (one straight up; one straight across

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Straight lines.

Where can you find a straight across bathingsuit?

you can go to a lazensa or a stage shop

What does the lines latitude run from?

Latitude lines are like bands across the Earth. They go from East to South.

What is the definition of a horizontal line?

Horizontal lines are straight curves that typically runs from left to right across the page, usually sharing the same y-coordinate. Horizontal lines are perpendicular to vertical lines.

What are the parallels and latitudes on maps?

Parallels are lines that go up and down the map, latitudes are lines that go across the map from side to side.