

What makes up a parallelogram?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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11y ago

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2 triangles together and a parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has 2 sets of equal sides. ☺

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Q: What makes up a parallelogram?
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A parallelogram is not a statement that can be true or false.

What makes a rectangle a special kind of parallelogram?

It is a right angled parallelogram.

What makes a quadrilateral a parallelogram?

A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if it has two pairs of (opposite) sides that are parallel.

Why does the choice of the base change the perimeter of a parallelogram?

It does not. The perimeter of a parallelogram is a characteristic of the parallelogram. The orientation: which side is considered a base makes do difference whatsoever.

Does a parallelogram add up to 180?

No. In fact a parallelogram does not add up. It has a perimeter, it has an area, it has four angles and they are or can be added up. The the parallelogram itself cannot.

What do the angles of a parallelogram add up to?

The angles in a parallelogram add up to 360 degrees

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What do the inside of angles in a parallelogram add up to?

it depends on the type of parallelogram

What makes a quadrilateral a parallelogram square?

4 right angles

How many degrees are in a parallelogram?

The 4 angles in a parallelogram add up to 360 degrees.

Can a rhombus be a parellelogram if so why?

Not only can a rhombus be a parallelogram, it must be one. A rhombus is a quadrilateral which has two pairs of parallel lines. That makes it a parallelogram.

What quality of a rhombus makes it different from a parallelogram?

A rhombus has 4 congruent sides, that is the sides are all the same length (as in a square). In a parallelogram, that is not the case.