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metal and metal and plastic

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Q: What material allows heat or electricity to pass through it easily Give two examples.?
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Material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

Metallic conductors such as copper, aluminum, silver and gold are some examples of materials through which heat and electricity can easily flow.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that electricity can conduct electricity.

What is a material which allows electricity to flow through it but with but with resistance?

A "resistance" or "resistor".

An material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

It would be an electric conductor.

Any material that allows electricity to pass through easily?

This is called a conductor.

A material that does allow elecriticy to flow through?

A conductor allows electricity to flow. An insulator does not.

What is defined as any material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

That is called a conductor.

Material that allows electricity to pass through?

Materials that allow electricity to pass through are said to be good conductors. Conductors have free electrons allow for the flow of charged particles through the material resulting in an electric charge. Most metals are considered to be good conductors, some examples include copper, aluminum, silver, and gold.

What do you call something that allows heat or electricity to pass through it?

A material that allows heat or electricity to pass through it is called a conductor. The opposite of that is called an insulator. For electricity, the wire inside is the conductor, while the plastic on the outside is an insulator.

What is a material which does not allow electricity to pass through?

Such materials are called insulators. Examples include dry wood, ceramics, plastic. No material allows absolutely no electricity to pass through; the so-called insulators simply have a very high electrical resistance, so they only allow a small, usually insignificant, amount of current to pass.

What allows electricity to pass through it?

An object which is a conductor allows electricity to pass through it

Any material that allows eletricity to pass through it easily?

when heat dyes and yo mama flies