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Q: What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand von Lindemann determine to be a transcendental number in 1882?
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What mathematical symbol did match whiz Ferdinand von lindemann determine to be a transcendental number in 1882?


What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand von Lindemann determine to be a transcendentak number in 1882?


What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand von lindimine determine to be a transcendental number in 1882?

He proved that e, the base of natural logarithms is transcendental. From this, it follows that pi is also transcendental.

What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand Von Findemann determine t be a transcendental number in 1882?


What mathematical symbol did Ferdinand von lindeman determine to be a transcendental number in 1882?

π - the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

What mathematical symbol determine to be a transcendental in 1882?


What mathematical symbol did math wihz Ferdinand determine to be transcendental number in 1882?

pi. However, * it was the ratio that he showed to be transcenedental, not the symbol which is not transcendental but a humble leter of the Greek alphabet, * the word is wiz (short for wizard) or even wizz or whiz but certainly not wihz.

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Mathematical ratios are similar to fractions or decimals. It is the comparison between 2 different number of objects on either side to determine the equality between the two.

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[Total distance] minus(Distance travelled]