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Hydrogen was the first matter to be formed after the Big Bang.

The highly energetic state of the Universe for some time after the Big Bang prevented atomic constituent particles to form independent atoms.

As the Universe expanded and cooled it became possible for the simplest atomic structures to form.

This happens to be Hydrogen.

A hydrogen atom consist of a central positively charged proton around which iselectrically bounda negatively charged electron.

Two further forms, or isotopes, of the hydrogen atom were also created. Deuterium contains an electrically neutral neutron at its central nucleus along with the proton. Tritium contains two neutrons at the nucleus. These isotopes represent a tiny fraction of the total amount of hydrogen that exists in the Universe.

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13y ago

After the initial explosion of the big bang the universe was almost completely made up of hydrogen and helium.

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9y ago

As best we can tell, stars had formed and galaxies were beginning to form.

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Q: What matter did the universe consist of 1 million years after the big bang?
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When astronomers say that the universe became transparent years after the big bang what do they mean?

In the early period after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of a plasma of nuclei, electrons and photons. These protons were bound in the plasma and not free to move about. About 0.4 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe had cooled to around 4000 K, photons stopped being in thermal equilibrium with matter: the universe became transparent to photons - light could move about.

If flying at light speed for an Eon is it possible to go beyond the universe?

The universe is about 90 billion light years across. An eon is about 550 million years. Flying at the speed of light for 550 million years you would travel 550 million light years, less than 1% of the distance across the known universe. So, probably not. It would make no difference how long you travel at light speed. If you travel for a billion trillion eons, you would still not pass through the boundries of the universe. For one thing, you would have a serious problem timing your journey, since for you a trip of any length would seem instantaneous.

What in astronomy is a thousand million years?

A trillion years is 1,000,000,000,000 years. In astronomy, it is probably a meaningless concept, because according to our current understanding of the universe, space and time began with the Big Bang around 14 billion years ago. So, looking back, there is no 15 billion years or more in astronomy. Looking forward, there is too much uncertainty about the amount of matter in the universe to judge whether it will continue to expand and eventually burn away, or reverse into a big crunch which may be followed by Big Bang 2. However, there will be no link between our universe and universe 2. So whichever way it works out, current theories suggest that the universe as we know it will not survive a trillion years. So many questions to answer, so little time!

Did supernova explosions that occur in a star cluster happen during the first 100 million years in the life of the universe?


What would your estimate be for the age of the universe if you measured Hubble's constant to be 11 kilometers per second per million light-years?

28 billion years

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How you can know some parts of the universe look a million years ago?

some of the stars we see in the universe took millions of years to get here - we are seeing what it looked like a million years ago.

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Does the universe look empty a million light years away?

No it doesn't!

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I am not entirely sure what you mean with "stop the Universe from expanding 5-10% every million years"; it certainly doesn't expand that quickly. It takes several billion years to double in size.Note that under just about any conditions, the Universe would eventually contract, or expand. It can't just remain static.

How old do Scientists think that your universe is?

they beleive it to be from 45 million years old

Why do scientists believe all the matter in the universe was originally in one place?

Because we currently can see that the universe is expanding and if you logically reverse this process of expansion and extrapolate back, our best measurements to date puts all the matter, energy, space and time back to a single point some 13.772 billion years ago, with an uncertainty of plus or minus 59 million years.

When is the end of the universe?

basically whenever the sun dies, but that will not happen for a few million years

What is the diameter of the Universe today?

The radius of the observable Universe is thought to be about 46x10^9 Light Years.(And dark matter about which we know almost nothing, occupies perhaps 90% of it).Our Milky Way Galaxy is about 100 000 Light Years across, and out nearest neighbour, the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light years distant.Answer2: My estimate of the diameter is about 320E24 meters.

What has existed for at least 3 million years?

The universe has existed for more than 14 billion years, the sun for more than 4 billion years - both well over 3 million years.

How old are the universe?

Agreement seems to been reached at 13.7 billion years give or take 100 million. would you be aquiring an E after the s in universe?

Why cant you directly observed any era prior to the era of atoms?

Because up until then (universe about a third of a million years old) the universe was opaque.