

What means the x mark?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What means the x mark?
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What does it mean when you mark something on a map with an X?

It means that the marked X is the place you're heading for or where the "treasure" is at.

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An x on a diamond ring means you will have good look in the future with your job or even winning the lottery.

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Red X means that particular device is disabled.

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Jaguar Mark X was created in 1961.

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Who signed the Treaty of Fort Wayne?

From NDIAN AFFAIRS: LAWS AND TREATIES Vol. II, Treaties Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904. ( and from a digitized copy of the treaty ( William Henry Harrison, [L. S.] Delawares: Anderson, for Hockingpomskon, who is absent, his x mark, [L. S.] Anderson, his x mark, [L. S.] Petchekekapon, his x mark, [L. S.] The Beaver, his x mark, [L. S.] Captain Killbuck, his x mark, [L. S.] Pattawatimas: Winemac, his x mark, [L. S.] Five Medals, by his son, his x mark, [L. S.] Mogawgo, his x mark, [L. S.] Shissahecon, for himself and his brother Tuthinipee, his x mark, [L. S.] Ossmeet, brother to Five Medals, his x mark, [L. S.] Nanousekah, Penamo's son, his x mark, [L. S.] Mosser, his x mark, [L. S.] Chequinimo, his x mark, [L. S.] Sackanackshut, his x mark, [L. S.] Conengee, his x mark, [L. S.] Miamis: Pucan, his x mark, The Owl, his x mark, [L. S.] Meshekenoghqua, or the Little Turtle, his x mark, [L. S.] Wapemangua, or the Loon, his x mark, [L. S.] Silver Heels, his x mark, [L. S.] Shawapenomo, his x mark, Eel Rivers: Charley, his x mark, [L. S.] Sheshangomequah, or Swallow, his x mark, [L. S.] The young Wyandot, a Miami of Elk Hart, his x mark, [L. S.] In presence of— Peter Jones, secretary to the Commissioner, John Johnson, Indian agent, A. Heald, Capt. U. S. Army, A. Edwards, surgeon's mate, Ph. Ostrander, Lieut. U. S. Army, John Shaw, Stephen Johnston, J. Hamilton, sheriff of Dearborn County, Hendrick Aupaumut. William Wells, John Conner, Joseph Barron, Abraham Ash, Sworn Intepreters. Note: [L.S.] indicates that a legal seal was present by the signature of x-mark.

Who signed the Treaty of Fort?

From NDIAN AFFAIRS: LAWS AND TREATIES Vol. II, Treaties Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904. ( and from a digitized copy of the treaty ( William Henry Harrison, [L. S.] Delawares: Anderson, for Hockingpomskon, who is absent, his x mark, [L. S.] Anderson, his x mark, [L. S.] Petchekekapon, his x mark, [L. S.] The Beaver, his x mark, [L. S.] Captain Killbuck, his x mark, [L. S.] Pattawatimas: Winemac, his x mark, [L. S.] Five Medals, by his son, his x mark, [L. S.] Mogawgo, his x mark, [L. S.] Shissahecon, for himself and his brother Tuthinipee, his x mark, [L. S.] Ossmeet, brother to Five Medals, his x mark, [L. S.] Nanousekah, Penamo's son, his x mark, [L. S.] Mosser, his x mark, [L. S.] Chequinimo, his x mark, [L. S.] Sackanackshut, his x mark, [L. S.] Conengee, his x mark, [L. S.] Miamis: Pucan, his x mark, The Owl, his x mark, [L. S.] Meshekenoghqua, or the Little Turtle, his x mark, [L. S.] Wapemangua, or the Loon, his x mark, [L. S.] Silver Heels, his x mark, [L. S.] Shawapenomo, his x mark, Eel Rivers: Charley, his x mark, [L. S.] Sheshangomequah, or Swallow, his x mark, [L. S.] The young Wyandot, a Miami of Elk Hart, his x mark, [L. S.] In presence of— Peter Jones, secretary to the Commissioner, John Johnson, Indian agent, A. Heald, Capt. U. S. Army, A. Edwards, surgeon's mate, Ph. Ostrander, Lieut. U. S. Army, John Shaw, Stephen Johnston, J. Hamilton, sheriff of Dearborn County, Hendrick Aupaumut. William Wells, John Conner, Joseph Barron, Abraham Ash, Sworn Intepreters. Note: [L.S.] indicates that a legal seal was present by the signature of x-mark.

What does exclamation mark mean in maths?

The exclamation sign in maths means FACTORIAL - multiply the number by all numbers less than it to 1. For Example: 7! means 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 5040 same goes with the other non zero positives. In maths, 0! has been assumed to be ONE.

What is D X X mark token under the I D X is inscribed 0.984AO75 used for?

A Mark Token is used by "Mark Master Masons" which is a Side Degree of Free Masonry. It is used and given to the newly advanced Freemason during his advancement into the Degree of Mark Master.

What is que in spanish?

Qué with the accent mark means 'what'. Que without the accent mark means 'that'. In a sentence for Qué with the accent mark is: Qué ases tu? which means What are you doing. A sentence for Que without the accent mark is: Que lo ases para una rasson Which means That you do it for a reason

--x in c language?

Useable. It means x -= 1 or x= x-1No. --x means to decrement x.

What does white cloud with a check mark mean on the Motorola moto x?

It means that what you are having uploaded into the cloud (ex: Google Photos) will display that icon when the upload is complete.