

What must a conversion fraction equal?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The conversion factor, for converting from UNITA to UNITB is the number of UNITB in each UNITA.

There are 3.2808 feet in 1 metre so the conversion factor for converting metres into feet is 3.2808.

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Q: What must a conversion fraction equal?
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No, because the numerator (top number) must always be larger then the denomenator (bottom number) to be an improper fraction. To equal 1, both numbers must be the same.

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1. They must always be true 2. They must always equal 1.

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The measurements must be equal to each other.

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The conversion fraction is 1/12.

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It is equal to 1, but not always: the reciprocal must be defined for the equality and the reciprocal is not always defined.

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16/2 is a fraction that is not an improper fraction is and is equal to 8. * * * * * 16/2 IS an improper fraction! Since the absolute value of 8 is greater than 1, any fractional representation must be improper.