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the formula you are going to use to answer the equation

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Q: What must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?
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Is x equals 0 no solution?

Zero is an acceptable value for a variable. As a general rule, if you solve an equation and get x equals zero, that's just what it is: zero. There is one solution. Example: 10x +1 = 5x +1 5x = 1 - 1 5x = 0 x = 0 There is one solution, zero. If you solve for x and get two solutions, such as 2 and 0, there are two answers. Later on, if you've studied domain and range (the numbers you can use for x so that the equation is still defined, (i.e. not 1/0, or the square root of negative 1), you may find that x = 0 does not always work. You need to check first, to see if zero is in the domain, before you say it's an answer.

What is the anti-derivative of e-x2?

I believe the questioner means e^(-x^2), which is perhaps the most famous of many functions which do not have anti-derivatives which can be expressed by elementary functions. The definite integral from minus infinity to plus infinity, however, is known: It is sqrt(pi). The antiderivative to e^(-2x) is, (-*e^(-2x)/2) Though the anti-derivative (integral) of many functions cannot be expressed in elementary forms, a variety of functions exist only as solutions to certain "unsolvable" integrals. the equation erf(x), also known as the error function, equals (2/sqrt(pi))*integral e(-t^2) dt from 0 to x. As mentioned before, this cannot be expressed through basic mathematical functions, but it can be expressed as an infinite series. If the question is the antiderivative of e - x2, the answer is e*x - x3/3

When is the best time to get pregnant before or after your period?

1-2days before

Can i get pregnant 2 days before period?

can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts

A car braked with a constant deceleration of 16 ft per sec squared producing skid marks measuring 200ft before coming to a stop How fast was the car traveling when the brakes were first applied?

If you have taken physics, you should know the basic kinematic formula vf²=vi²+2ad 0=vi²-2*16*200 vi=80m/s Alternatively, if you haven't taken physics yet, you will have to derive an equivalent formula on your own. We know that the integral of acceleration is equal to velocity so integrate -16 with respect to time to get v=-16t + vi for some constant vi. We also know that the integral of velocity with respect to time is distance so d=-8t²+vi*t+c for a constant value c. Since the distance traveled by the car was 0 at t=0, the value of c is 0. We also know that there was a constant acceleration so a=(vf-vi)/t -16=-vi/t vi=16t Combining this with the preceding equation for distance gives us d=-8t²+vi*t 200=-8t²+16t² t=5s (reject the negative root) vi=16t vi=80m/s

Related questions

What statements must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

That the discriminant of the quadratic equation must be greater or equal to zero for it to have solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then the quadratic equation will have no solutions.

What statement must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions of a quadratic equation - not a linear or cubic, or non-polynomial equation. The quadratic formula will always provide the solutions to a quadratic equation - whether the solutions are rational, real or complex numbers.

Which condition must not be met before you can use the quadractic formula to find the soulutions?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero then it has no real solutions

A condition that must be met before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

The equation must be written such that the right side is equal to zero. And the resulting equation must be a polynomial of degree 2.

If the right-hand side of a quadratic equation does not equal zero you need to the number or expression on the righthand side from both sides before you can use the quadratic formula?


Which is not a condition that must be met before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

"The coefficient of the x^2 term must be positive" is a condition that does not have to be met.

What are the conditons that are met before you can use the quadratic formula?

Only that the equation that you are trying to solve is a quadratic, that is to say, the powers of the variable are 2,1 and 0 (or any constant increment of these three numbers). Non-negativity of the discriminant is NOT a condition because you can still use the quadratic formula and get roots that are in the complex domain.

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Somebody (possibly in seventh-century India) was solving a lot of quadratic equations by completing the square. At some point, he noticed that he was always doing the exact same steps in the exact same order for every equation. Taking advantage of the one of the great powers and benefits of algebra (namely, the ability to deal with abstractions, rather than having to muck about with the numbers every single time), he made a formula out of what he'd been doing:The Quadratic Formula: For ax2 + bx + c = 0, the value of x is given byThe nice thing about the Quadratic Formula is that the Quadratic Formula always works. There are some quadratics (most of them, actually) that you can't solve by factoring. But the Quadratic Formula will always spit out an answer, whether the quadratic was factorable or not.I have a lesson on the Quadratic Formula, which gives examples and shows the connection between the discriminant (the stuff inside the square root), the number and type of solutions of the quadratic equation, and the graph of the related parabola. So I'll just do one example here. If you need further instruction, study the lesson at the above hyperlink.Let's try that last problem from the previous section again, but this time we'll use the Quadratic Formula:Use the Quadratic Formula to solve x2 - 4x - 8 = 0.Looking at the coefficients, I see that a = 1, b = -4, and c = -8. I'll plug them into the Formula, and simplify. I should get the same answer as before:

What are the applications of quadratic equations in every day life?

Police, Quadratics, Action! If you know the initial speed of car, how far you are travelling and what your acceleration is, there is a special formula that lets you find out how long the journey will take. This formula is a quadratic with time as its unknown quadratic quantity. The police use this equation - along with many other quadratic and non-quadratic equations - when they attend a road traffic accident (RTA). They do this to find out if the driver was breaking the speed limit or driving without due care and attention. They can discover how fast the car was going at the time the driver started braking and how long they were braking for before they had the accident. This is done by finding the road's coefficient of friction and by measuring the length of the skid marks of the vehicles involved. Once they have this information they turn to Mathematics and the trusted quadratic equation. Einstein's Famous Quadratic The most famous equation in the world is technically quadratic. Einstein discovered the formula: Where E is the Energy of an object, m is its mass and c is the speed of light. This formula relates mass and energy and came from Einstein's work on Special and General Relativity. However, in practice it is not solved as a quadratic equation as we know the value of the speed of light. For more information on Einstein and his Theory of Special Relativity see the links at the bottom of the page. There are many more uses for quadratic equations. For more information please see the links to "101 Uses of a Quadratic Equation" at the bottom of the page.

How the quadratic equation is applied in real situation?

Vertices in quadratic equations can be used to determine the highest price to sell a product before losing money again.

A base jumper jumps off of a cliff that is 200 meters high How long will is take before he hits the ground?

you need a quadratic equation for this ½ at2 + vot - s = 0 vertical acceleration (a) is gravity (-9.8ms-2) initial vertical velocity is 0 his vertical height above ground is 200 (s=200) pop all that in the equation and you're done yep... and I'm sorry but I've had to delete my quadratic formula off my calculator and I've finished maths for the year and can't be stuffed doing it by hand.. you know the quadratic formula.. have fun :)

When plotting points for graphing a quadratic equation be sure to choose values of x that are greater than and less than the value of x in the?

from the equation using the formula -b/2a to find x value. from there substitute values of x before and after in equation.for example if x is 2 use other x values as 1 and 3.