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Great Britain (aka: England)

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Q: What nation required colonies to trade only with England?
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Which colonies had the best balance of trade with the mother country?

The middle colonies had the best balance of trade with england.

What system was the method that England used to regulate trade in the colonies?

The Stamp Act was the method that England used to regulate trade in the Colonies. The tax on imports, like tea, also regulated trade within the Colonies.

What was purpose of navigation act was what?

The ultimate purpose of the Navigation Acts was to insure that England and its Mercantile empire would always have a favorable balance of trade.

How did mercantilism affect the relationship between England and the colonies?

According to mercantilism, the colonies were required to engage in two general behaviors: (1) The colonies were locked into exclusive trade between the colonies and the metropole and were not allowed to trade with any other nation or colony. (2) No manufactures or complex goods could be made in the colonial territory. As a result the colonies would provide wealth to the metropole by trading their natural resources for less than they would be worth and by buying manufactures for much more money.

Acts tighten Englands control over colonial trade?

The Navigation Acts were an attempt to put the theory of Mercantilism into practice in the British colonies. The object of mercantilism was to minimize imports that cost the nation money, and maximize exports that made the nation money. Colonies were a means of reducing England's dependence on foreign nations. Each colony would provide a raw material to England and this would allow the nation to not have to purchase that product from another nation. By establishing colonies loyal to the Crown, Great Britain would be expanding a dependable market for the finished products coming out of British industries. The Navigation Acts required that all colonial trade be carried in vessels built and owned by English or colonial merchants. The ships had to be manned by crews composed of British seamen. The Acts also required that European nations must sell products to the colonies by first stoping at English ports where they would have to pay a customs duty (tax). The products were checked and then were permitted to travel to the colonies. All products had to go through these ports controlled by England. This made the cost of the product more expensive but protected the trade of Great Britain. Certain materials from the colonies could only be shipped in British or colonial ships and had to be sent to England first. The product was then taxed and allowed to be sent to its destination in whatever European nation. Colonial products could not be shipped directly to any foreign nation.

Related questions

What Required the colonies to trade with England?

The Navigation Acts required the colonies to trade only with England.

What required the colonies trade only with England?

The Navigation Acts required the colonies to trade only with England.

What required the colonies to trade with England only?

The Navigation Acts required the colonies to trade only with England.

What required the colonies to trade only with?

The Navigation Acts required the colonies to trade only with England.

Which colonies had the best balance of trade with the England?

Middle Colonies

Which colonies had the best balance of a trade with England?

middle colonies

Which policy is in the spirit of Mercantilism?

The colonies should give their profits to England The colonies should only trade with England. England should only trade with Spain.

What three places did the triangular trade routes connect?

England, England Colonies, and Africa

Where were the American colonies allowed to trade their goods in the system of triangular trade?

England and its other colonies A+

In the system of triangular trade where were the American colonies allowed to trade their goods?

England and its other colonies A+

Which colonies had the best balance of trade with the mother country?

The middle colonies had the best balance of trade with england.

How did England trade with her colonies?

England controlled trade with her colonies through taxation and tariffs. It was illegal to trade elsewhere so England enjoyed a monopoly. Trading profits were excessively high given this structure.