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54 and 57 are multiples of 3.

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Q: What numbers between 50 and 60 are both multiples of the same number?
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What numbers between 50 and 60 that are both multiples of the same number?

what two numbers between 50 and 60 are both multiples of the same number. what factor do they have in common?

What are two numbers between 50 and 60 that are both multiples of the same number?

52 and 54 are multiples of 2.

How many numbers between 10 to 50 are multiples of 3 and 5?

There are three numbers between 10 and 50 which are divisible by both 3 and 5. All numbers that are multiples of 3 and 5 are the multiples of the lowest common multiples (lcm) of 3 and 5 which is 15. The multiples of 15 between 10 and 50 are {15, 30 and 45}, thus there are 3 numbers.

What number are 4 and 6 multiples of?

4 and 6 are multiples of both the numbers 1 and 2.

What are the multiples of both 2 and 3?

Two and three are relatively prime, or coprime. That means that they have no smaller number, or factor, in common. So, the multiples of both numbers are the multiples of the product of the two, or the multiples of six.

The HCF of two consecutive numbers is always?

A factor is a number of which the number being considered is a multiple. Two consecutive numbers cannot both be multiples of 4, for instance, as there isn't 3 numbers in between them. They cannot in fact be multiples of any common number other than 1. Thus the HCF of two consecutive numbers must always be 1.

How many numbers between 0 and 100 are divisible by both 6 and 8 and what are the numbers?

Four. 24 and its multiples.

How many numbers between 1 and25 are divisible by both 2 and4?

All the multiples of 4 are also multiples of 2.

Which two multiples of 13 are co-prime number?

No multiples of the same number greater than one can be co-prime, since they will both have that number as a factor.

How many different integers between 100 and 500 are multiples of either 6 8 or both?

There are 67 multiples of 6 and 50 multiples of 8 in that range. Their total, 117, will include numbers that are both.

How do you find the LCM of 4 7?

Multiples of 4 are 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32... Multiples of 7 are 7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56... The smallest number that is a multiple of both numbers is 28

How many numbers between 1 and 100 (inclusive) are divisible by 3 or 10?

33 multiples of 3 10 multiples of 10 -3 multiples of both 40 total