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Convert them all to decimal (use a calculator, and divide the numerator by the denominator). Then it should be easy to compare them.

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Q: What order do these fractions go in from least to greatest 11 over 12 3 over 4 1 over 3 1 over 2 2 over 5?
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Compare and order fractions greatest to least fractions 710 79 7 over 8?

7/10 < 7/9 < 7/8

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Least to greatest: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2

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The numbers from least to greatest are: 2 over 10, 1/2, 0.6 and 0.9 (which is equal to 9 over 10). Convert all the fractions to decimals to compare.

What is the order of the fractions 5 over 12 and 2over 9 and 5 over 6 from least to greatest?

Your fractions are: 5/12, 2/9, 5/6. You want them in least to greatest order. This is also called in ascending order. 1) Convert all fractions to easier denominators. Common denominator is 18. 2) Convert all fractions. 3) 7.5/18, 4/18, 15/18. 4) Arrange them all in ascending order. 5) Answer: 4/18 (2/9) , 7.5/18 (5/12) , 15/18 (5/6)

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Least to greatest.1/2, 11/16, 3/4, 7/8

Can you order these from greatest to least 5 over 16 3 over 8 1 over 3 for me please?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/16 is equal to 0.3125, 3/8 is equal to 0.375, and 1/3 is equal to 0.3 recurring (or 0.3333...). Arranged in order of size from greatest to least, these are 3/8 (0.375), 1/3 (0.3333...), 5/16 (0.3125).

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9/10 7/10 4/10

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The least common denominator between fractions 1 over 32 and 8 over 64 is 64.

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Of those, 4/5 is the greatest.

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It is 20

What is the least common denominator of 2 over 5?

At least two fractions are needed to answer this.

How do you order 0.48 0.46 9 over 20 from least to greatest?

9/20 is 0.45, then 0.46, then 0.48.