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Pair of radii

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Q: What pairs of distinct lines or line segments of a circle cannot be parallel?
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Which geometric shape could not be drawn using both perpendicular line segments and parallel line segments?

A circle.

Can a circle be a parallelogram?

No, a circle can't be a parallelogram. A circle is a curve. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides constructed with four line segments. The line segments are straight, and the circle is a continuous curve.

Can there be parallel lines in a circle?

The two points on exactly opposite sides of a circle are parallel to each other. This can be evidenced by finding the derivative/gradient at those points; if they are the same then the two line segments described by those points are parallel.

Units of segments in a circle?

Segments of a circle is in degrees.

Do parallel lines exist on a sphere?

No. The circular shape makes it impossible to have parallel lines just as you cannot have parallel lines in a circle that both reach the length of the diameter of the said circle.

How many line segments are in a circle?

A circle does not have line segments. It is a continuous curve.

How many line segments does a circle have?

A circle doesn't have line segments. It is a curve, not made up of straight lines.A circle doesn't have line segments. It is a curve, not made up of straight lines.A circle doesn't have line segments. It is a curve, not made up of straight lines.A circle doesn't have line segments. It is a curve, not made up of straight lines.

What has no line segments?

A circle

What line segments in a circle determine the size of the circle?

The center of a circle.

How is a circle different from a polygon?

Polygons have sides made of line segments (straigh lines). There are no line segments in a circle.

Is there a shape made up of segments that is not a polygon?

A circle, semicircle, segments or sectors of circle, ellipse, segments or sectors of ellipses, cardiods, closed convex wriggly shapes.

How is a percentage circle graph different from a degree circle graph?

Degree graph has 360 segments , percntage has 100 segments