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A trapezoid would fit the given description and not a parallelogram because it has two sets of parallel lines.

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Q: What paralellagram has 4 angles and one set of parallel lines?
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What polygon has 2 right angles and 1 set of parallel lines?

Answera polygon that has two right angles and one set of parallel lines is a hexagon

What has 4 angles and one set of parallel lines?

A trapezoid

What are transversal angles?

I think it is when there are 2 parallel lines, then the lines which cut both is called, the angles which are between one side of the transversal and a parallel line must be called a transversal angles.

What is a shape with no right angles and 1 pair of parallel lines?

A shape with no right angles and one pair of parallel lines would be called a trapezoid in the USA, and a trapezium in Britain.

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Are perpendicular parallel line meet at right angles?

Parallel lines are lines that run side by side and never meet. Perpendicular lines are lines that meet in one point, forming four right angles around the point.

What has four sides in all one pair of parallel lines two right angles?

A trapezoid has one pair of parallel side and can have two adjacent angles that are right.

How can you determine if two lines are parallel?

There are three ways to find if two lines are parallel. The first one is to see if there is any indication. I there isn't, you should never trust your eyes. Instead, you should find the slope of each line. If they are then the two lines are parallel. Another way to find if two lines are parallel is to see if there are any corresponding angles, Alternate Interior Angles, and Alternate Exterior Angles. If there are and they are congruent, then the two lines are parallel.

What has four sides and four angles and one pair of parallel lines?

It is a trapezoid.

Quadrilateral with one pair of parallel lines two acute angles and two obtuse angles?

a rhombus or parallelogram

Can a trapezium have any right angles?

A trapezium can have right angles as long as there is at least one pair of parallel lines.

Angles on the inside of two parallel lines split by a transversal?

Two parallel lines bisected by a straight line can produce three angles. Angles on the one side or 'inside' are corresponding. They can also be co-interior, in that they add up to 180-degrees. Opposite side one are called alternate angles.