

What percent is 700 from 11000?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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6.3636363636363636% or 6.36(repeating)%

to find a percentage, multiply a number by the percentage expressed as a decimal. For instance, to find 5 percent of 500, multiply 500 by 0.05, which is 5 divided by 100. To find 60 percent of 500, multiply by 0.60, or 0.6:

x = 500 * 0.05 (5 divided by 100)

x = 25

So, 5% of 500 is 25

x = 500 * 0.6 (60 divided by 100)

x = 300

So, 60% of 500 is 300

To find out how much of a percentage one number is from another, do the opposite to solve. You can use the same equation above, but the unknown variable will be different. In this case, you will solve as follows:

700 = 11000 * x (divide both sides by 11000)

700 / 11000 = x

x = 0.063636363636363636 or 6.36(repeating)%

You can check your work by multiplying 11000 by 0.06363636363, but since the decimal is repeating, you will come up with an answer similar to 699.999999999997.

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