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Around 60-70% of women aged 60-69 are sexually active, but this number can vary based on various factors such as health, relationship status, and personal preferences.

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Q: What percentage of women are sexually active at age 65?
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What is the oldest age women most sexually active?

There is no specific age when women are most sexually active, as individuals have varying levels of sexual activity throughout their lives. Factors such as overall health, relationship status, and personal preferences play a significant role in determining sexual activity levels at any age. It is important to prioritize communication, consent, and mutual respect in sexual relationships at any stage of life.

Are women in their sixties sexually active?

Some women in their sixties are sexually active, while others are not. Sexual activity in this age group can vary based on factors such as health, relationship status, and personal preferences. It's essential to remember that sexual activity is a personal choice and can differ greatly among individuals.

Is men sexually active in age after 80 years?

Yes, some men remain sexually active in their 80s and beyond. While sexual desire and function may decrease with age, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, communication with a partner, and seeking medical advice for any health concerns can help sustain sexual activity in older age.

What age group is most affected by breast cancer?

Breast cancer mainly affects women, with the majority of cases occurring in individuals over the age of 50. However, younger women can also develop breast cancer, with a small percentage of cases occurring in women under 40. Regular screening is important for early detection and treatment.

What is the age gape for a pedo?

A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children, typically under the age of 13. The age gap between a pedophile and their victim can vary, but the key factor is the significant difference in age and developmental stage between the adult and the child.

Related questions

Most sexually active age for women?

49 years old

Can you have a pap smear even if you are not sexually active?

No. A pap smear also checks for cervical abnormalities, infections or cancer, and is for all females who are 18+ years of age, or who have become sexually active earlier than that.

What is the ratio of women who deepthroat?

The answer depends on the context of the comparison. Is it the ratio of women who deep throat as compared toall women;women of sexually active age,men who deepthroatthe whole population?

What is the oldest age women most sexually active?

There is no specific age when women are most sexually active, as individuals have varying levels of sexual activity throughout their lives. Factors such as overall health, relationship status, and personal preferences play a significant role in determining sexual activity levels at any age. It is important to prioritize communication, consent, and mutual respect in sexual relationships at any stage of life.

What age do wild horses become sexually active?

about 2

Are women in their sixties sexually active?

Some women in their sixties are sexually active, while others are not. Sexual activity in this age group can vary based on factors such as health, relationship status, and personal preferences. It's essential to remember that sexual activity is a personal choice and can differ greatly among individuals.

Are STDs most common in people over 30?

STD are common in people who are sexually active... if you are sexually active at the age of 20 then you are high risk to have an STD.

Can you have kids at 11?

If you have reached puberty, have had your first period, and are sexually active, then yes. However, you should not be sexually active at this age and much less be preoccupied about possible pregnancy.

How sexually active is the average 33 year old male?

most males are very sexually active until death and some loose there sexuality after age 40

What age do most people start becoming sexually active?

In most places, the age of consent is 16

You dont think you will or want to get married so when is a good age to have the choice of becoming sexually active I think 18 is a reasonable age but im not sure.?

Age of consent is most often 18, but becoming sexually active with a partner you love and trust is worth waiting for.

What age do women like sex?

Depends on the woman, dna, lifestyle, relationships etc. No set time. My Mom was sexually active in her 40s. I have known many woman and they were sexually active in their 50s. Don't know any past that age personally but have had friends who knew woman in their 60s. I think their most active time depends on what I said first. Keep it going ladies, stay active out there ww