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Which of the following postulates states that a quantity must be equal to itself

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Q: What postulates states that a quantity must be equal to itself symmetric identity reflexive closure?
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What is the postulate that says that any quantity is equal to itself?

Reflexive Postulate, or Identity Postulate.

Which property says that if a first quantity equals a second quantity then the second quantity equals the first quantity?

That's the reflexive property of equality.

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Which postulate states that a quantity must be equal to itself?

Reflexive Postulate.

What does reflexive property mean?

A quantity is equal to itself (reflective law)

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It is the reflexive property of equality. Any quantity is equal to itself.

Is others reflexive or indefinite?

The word others is an indefinite pronoun, a word that stands in for persons, things or quantity not specifically named; others is the plural form of other, also an indefinite pronoun.A reflexive pronoun reflects back to its antecedent like a mirror; the reflexive pronouns end with -self in the singular and -selves in the plural.

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The equation is true because of the reflexive property of equality which states in words that every quantity is equal to inself.

What property is illustrated by 8 plus 0 equals 8?

The fact that 8 + 0 = 8 demonstrates the additive identity property of 0. The number 0 can be added to any quantity without altering the value of that quantity. This is because 0 is the additive IDENTITY.

Which postulate states that a quantity must equal itself?

It is the identity property of the equivalence relationship defined by "equals".

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The word "what" is an interrogative pronoun, asking which thing, event, or circumstance. It is used in asking for an identity, quantity, quality, or meaning.

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