

What prime numbers are used to arrive at a product of 64?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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64 = 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

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Q: What prime numbers are used to arrive at a product of 64?
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Which prime numbers can be mulitiplied to form?

Prime numbers are used to find the product of the prime factors of composite numbers.

How can prime numbers be used in your everyday life?

Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions

What real-life situations are prime numbers used?

Large prime numbers are used in encryption. The larger the primes, the better the encryption. Typically each of two people will provide a prime; you need to know both prime numbers to decrypt. A program is used to calculate the values to be sent. The message is sent along with the product of the primes (sender's prime * receiver's prime). Since the number will be large it is difficult to crack (again, larger the better). To decrypt you have to know both prime numbers. Knowing one and the product makes it easy (just divide). If you only have the product, decrypting can be very time-consuming as you are forced to find the factors of the number

Is the product of two prime numbers ever a prime number explain?

A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. 1 is not a prime number, and the product will be a composite number if any other prime is used as a factor and multiplied by another prime.

What numbers could be used to make 55?

As a product of its prime factors: 5 times 11 = 55

What is the importance of prime numbers in network security?

Prime numbers form the basis of most encryption algorithms, which are used to protect sensitive data such as credit card information, passwords, etc. Any natural number greater than one can be written as a product of prime numbers. The prime factorization is unambiguous, that is, for any natural number N, there is exactly one product of prime numbers. Multiplying prime factors is quick and easy. For example, the product of the two prime numbers 29 and 31 is 899. It is much harder to take 899, and find its prime factors. For very large numbers, such as 150-digit prime numbers, finding the prime factorisation is near impossible - and it is this difficulty that forms the basis of encryption algorithms.

Why are prime numbers more useful than composite numbers in cryptography?

This question is based on a misunderstanding. Most cryptography is based on numbers that are products of two very large prime numbers. Being the product of two primes means that these numbers are composite - not prime!

Why prime numbers are used in RSA algorithm?

Prime numbers are helpful in cryptography because it is MUCH easier to calculate the product (multiplication) of two prime numbers than to do the reverse process (find the prime factors of a big number). The bigger the prime numbers are, the higher the difference in time between calculating the product, or factoryzing this product back into the two prime numbers. When person A wants to tell B a secret, they could agree on two great prime numbers (in a secret way) and later use the product to communicate. A and B could easely calculate the other's factor because they know their own factor. Anyone else would have to try to factorize the huge prime number without any knowledge which would take, ideally, longer than 4.6 billion years (the age of the Earth). This is a VERY simplified answer and more can be found by googling around.

Why are prime numbers more useful for the creation of codes than composite numbers?

Actually both are important. Public encryption is based on the product (and so a composite) of two very large prime numbers.

How are prime and composite numbers used in everyday jobs?

Prime numbers and composite numbers are not used in daily jobs. However they are used by scientists to prove theorems.

What is euclid's theory about prime numbers?

That there are an infinite number of prime numbers. Before we look an explanation or proof, we must agree on some points 1. The term number means whole number or integer 2. A prime number is any number that has only 2 factors (1 and itself). 3. All numbers are either prime or the product of 1 or more primes; try and find a number that you cannot generate as the product of primes (e.g. 8 = 2x2x2; 36 = 2x2x3x3). Now: If you take any two or more prime numbers and find their product the resulting number will have the prime numbers used as factors. However, if you add 1 to the number then the prime numbers you used to produce this number will now no longer be factors of this new number. Example 2,3,5 (first three prime numbers) 2x3x5 = 30 30 +1 =31 - now 2,3 and 5 are not factors as you will always have a remainder of 1 if you divide by any of the three original prime factors (2,3 or 5). If you take all of the known prime numbers and find the product of all of these prime numbers we get a new number (call it Product of Primes or PP), PP will have all the know primes as its factors. If we now add one to PP (PP + 1=N) we will get a number, N, that will have none of the known primes as a factor. If we say that the highest value prime number known (that we used to generate PP) is Pi then N must either be prime or have a prime factor greater than Pi and thus Pi is not the highest prime number. Therefore there are an infinite number of prime numbers.

Why are prime numbers useful in retail?

Prime numbers are used in encryption of financial transactions.