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Q: What property is used when finding the product of a monomial and a polynomial?
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Which property of polynomial multiplication says that the product of two polynomials is always a polynomial?

That property is called CLOSURE.

A number a power of a variable or a product of the two is a monomial while a polynomial is the of monomials?

sum of the monomials APEX =)

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What property of polynomial multiplication says that the product of two polynomials is always a polynomial?


To write a polynomial as the product of 1 monomial factors and 2 prime factors with at least two terms?

Is sometimes possible, but not always.

How do you find the two factors of one monomial and a polynomial?

1. Quadratic Formula 2. Rational Root Theorem 3. Zero Product Theorem

What is the monomial of 135ab?

135ab is a monomial, where 135 is its coefficient.A monomial is a number or a variable or a product of numbers and variables.

How can you factor a polynomial in standard form completely?

You can factor a polynomial using one of these steps: 1. Factor out the greatest common monomial factor. 2. Look for a difference of two squares or a perfect square trinomial. 3. Factor polynomials in the form ax^2+bx+c into a product of binomials. 4. Factor a polynomial with 4 terms by grouping.

Is the product of two polynomials always a polynomial?

Yes. A polynomial multiplying by a polynomial will always have a multi-termed product. Hope this helps!

Is a variable a monomial?

A monomial is an expression that is either:1) a numeral,2) a variable,or 3) the product of a numeral and one or more variables.A variable can be thought of as the product of the numeral 1 and the variable, thus making it a monomial.