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Because the mixed liquids have different boiling points allowing the different liquids to boil at different times!

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They evaporate at different temperatures.

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Q: What property of the fractions makes the fractional distillation works?
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How does Fractional Distillation of crude oil happen?


What are the social and economic benefits of fractional distillation of coal?

Fractional distillation increases the value of coal and thus makes it a good business venture. The by product of this type of coal can be used in roofing, waterproofing, and paving.

Can nitrogen and its components be separated by fractional distillation?

There are no components to Nitrogen. For this reason your question makes no sense.

What is the difference between simple distillation and fractional distillation?

Simple distillation refers to the "simple" separation of a solid and a liquid by evaporating the liquid and collecting it after it passes through a condenser to be changed into a liquid state. Fractional distillation refers to the more complex way of separation, usually involving a liquid/liquid mixture (eg. ethanol and water). these can be separated since they both have different boiling points. When this mixture is heated the ethanol having the lowest boiling point boils off first, followed by the water. However the fractional coulomb condenses both gases back into liquid, and fall back in the flask, with time the ethanol gains enough energy to over come the fractional coulomb (this happen before the water does this since ethanol has a LOWER boiling point) and pass through the condenser, changes into a liquid and is collected.

How can argon be made?

It would be ridiculously difficult to make argon, but you can obtain it by fractional distillation of the atmosphere, of which argon makes up a small fraction.

Which physical property makes it possible to separate components of crude oil by means of distillation?

boiling point

What physical property of oxygen enables it to be separated from the other components of air?

They are both difficult to separate because both of these have very little difference in their boiling points.This makes separating them difficult. Hence, they are separated by fractional distillation

Why is fractional distillation important in everyday life?

Fractional distillation seperates the otherwise quite hazardous and not particularly useful mixture of crude oil into different fractions (parts) which all have their own properties and different uses which are extremely useful. These are very important to use nowadays as we rely heavily on oil for many things - petrol and diesel for vehicles, for all plastic products, for fertilizers and pesticides (without pesticides it is said that food would cost much more than it does today and many people would have to pay much more just to get a nutritious meal), in chemicals in makeup, for central heating, for factories/power stations which we rely on for the various products that are sold and we buy, and many other things. Without oil, and therefore fractional distillation, civilization as we know it would be very different, and the amount of humans relying on it would not be able to survive very well without it, unless of course we found another way to produce all of the products of oil on such a large scale as we currently can. etc.

Fractional notation of 95?

makes no you mean 95%

What is the difference between rational numbers and fractional numbers?

A fraction is a ratio of two numbers. Fractions are typically ratios of integers (where the denominator is not zero), which makes them "rational." The root word of rational is ratio. You could have pi/2, or sqr(2)/2, both of which are fractions that are NOT rational.

How do you obtain gas?

The company that makes it gets it the same way they get liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen - fractional distillation of air. A customer who wants some has to special-order it from a welding supply; they can get it for you but unless you live in New York City where there are several neon-sign companies, it's not commonly used.

What is 10 number after pi?

It only makes sense to count, and talk about "next" and "previous" numbers, with integers - not with fractions, or irrational numbers.It only makes sense to count, and talk about "next" and "previous" numbers, with integers - not with fractions, or irrational numbers.It only makes sense to count, and talk about "next" and "previous" numbers, with integers - not with fractions, or irrational numbers.It only makes sense to count, and talk about "next" and "previous" numbers, with integers - not with fractions, or irrational numbers.