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Q: What quadrant is non zero ordinate?
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What quadrant do points lie if their abscissa is positive and ordinate is negative?

The fourth quadrant

A point having a negative abscissa and negative ordinate is in quadrant?

Coordinate is the common name. Abscissa is used for the information along the X-axis. Ordinate is used for the information along Y-axis. So abscissa is the x co-ordinate, and ordinate is the y co-ordinate. As they are both negative, then the point must be located in the third quadrant.

The values in quadrant 2 are?

Negative abscissa (x), positive ordinate (y).

In what quadrants would a point lie if its abscissa and ordinate are numerically equal but of opposite signs?

The 2nd quadrant and 4th quadrant would be where a point would lie if it's abscissa and ordinate are numerically equal but of opposite signs.

What is the abscissa ia positive and the ordinate is positive?

It is the description of a point in the first quadrant in a Cartesian plane.

What quadrant is A point having a negative abscissa and negative ordinate?

The negative ordinate represents a negative y coordinate. A negative abscissa implies a negative x coordinate. Therefore the coordinate should look like (-x,-y). These coordinates are located at third quadrant.

In what quadrants would a point lie if its abscissa have ordinate are numerically equal but opposite side?

2nd and 3rd quadrant

What quadrants would a point lie if its abscissa and ordinate are equal?

In Quadrant I a point would lie if its abscissa and ordinates are equal.

Where would a point lie if its ordinate is 0?

If the point's ordinate, or y-coordinate, is zero then it must lie on the x-axis somewhere.

How do you implement the algorithm to find the quadrant of a given co-ordinate?

You have to take some decisions. In a programming language, that might be done with an "if" statement.

What quadrant on a graph is a coordinate in if it has a zero in it?

up and another number on the zero line

What happens when the point on the unit circle is in quadrant 1 compared to when the point on the circle is in quadrant 2.?

In the first case the point has positive abscissa as well as ordinate, whereas in the second, the abscissa is negative. But nothing "happens". The world does not end!