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Q: What r the answers for study link 3.6?
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What r all the factorizations of 36?

36=4x9=2x2x3x3, or, if you like, 36=6x6=2x3x2x3

What is the radius of the circle with the equation x² plus y² equals 36?

A circle centre (0, 0) and radius r has equation x² + y² = r² The circle x² + y² = 36 has: r² = 36 → radius = 6

What is the answer to r 36?

What is the question? More information is needed.

Maria has three children. There is two years age difference between each child. The total ages of all three children is 36 years. Rosa is the youngest child. How old is Rosa?

Rosa is 10. -- further-- This is calculated by working out the relationship between the children. Let's call Rosa "R" and let that stand for her age. The next child is R + 2 years old and the eldest if R + 4. We are told that R + (R + 2) + (R + 4) = 36 (add the Rs and the digits on the left) R + R + R + 2 + 4 = 36 3R + 6 = 36 (subtract 6 from both sides) 3R = 36 - 6 3R = 30 (divide both sides by 3) R = 10According to the information given, Rosa is ten years old.

The girth plus length of parcels sent by fourth-class mail may not exceed 108 inches What is the largest volume of a cylindrical parcel that can be sent by fourth-class mail?

girth = 2PI r height=h h+2 PI r =108 h=108-2 PI r Volume = PI r^2 h V = PI r^2 (108-2PI r) Differentiate with respect to r dV/dr = PI (2r) (108-2PI r) +PI r^2 (-2PI) =0 216 PI r -4 PI^2 r^2 -2 PI^2 r^2=0 216 PI r -6 PI ^2 r^2=0 PI r [ 216-6 PI r] =0 6 PI r = 216 r = 36/PI --- dimensions h = (108-2 PI (36/PI)) = 108 -72=36 -- dimensions Largest volume = PI r^2 h = PI (36/PI)^2 (36) =1,296 / PI d^2V/dr^2 =216 PI -6 PI^2 (2r) when r=36/PI, d^2V/dr2 = 216 PI - 6PI^2 (2)(36)/PI =216 PI -432 PI < 0, indicates V has been maximized.

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If you're in a math class, then you don't need them ... you need to work them out, but the answers aren't important. You don't need them to hand them to the teacher. The teacher already has them, or can easily work them out.

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If 36 = 4r, r = 9

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As of January 2013, one source (see link) had 64 possible answers. No doubt there are others. The question needs to be more specific.

What is the answers to the cells r us worksheet?

The Cella R Us worksheet answers can not be obtained online. Course books will have to be studies to locate the answers.

What r all the factorizations of 36?

36=4x9=2x2x3x3, or, if you like, 36=6x6=2x3x2x3

What r 3 equivelent fractions for 6?

6/1 ( the fraction we need the equivelents of ) the answers : 12/2 18/3 24/4 30/5 36/6

-36 r = -52?


What is the radius of the circle with the equation x² plus y² equals 36?

A circle centre (0, 0) and radius r has equation x² + y² = r² The circle x² + y² = 36 has: r² = 36 → radius = 6

What is negative 9 equals r over 4?

r = -36