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It would be friction.<3 hope this helped

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Q: What reduces the efficiency of machines?
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Why doesn't any system have 100 percent efficiency?

frictionIn real machines, as opposed to ideal machines, there is always friction that reduces the efficiency of the machine. Lubricants like oil can be used to reduce friction and improve efficiency.

Why does applying lubricant to a machines surface improve its efficiency?

It reduces friction between surfaces - and stops components from heating up too quickly.

Why a high-efficiency machine is more desirable than a low- efficiency machine?

High-efficiency machines do more for less and are therefore more desirable than a low-efficiency machine.AnswerHigher efficiency means lower energy losses and, therefore, such machines are more economical than low-efficiency machines.

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What reduces the overall efficiency of respiration?

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What effect does friction have on a machines efficiency?

Efficiency of the machine is reduced due to loss of energy by friction.

Friction reduces efficiency because energy is lost?

Yes, exactly.

Describe why a high-efficiency machine is more desirable thana low-efficiency machine?

A high efficiency machine will produce more of what is it that you want with the same power as the low efficiency one. In other words, for a low efficiency machine do as much as a high efficiency one, you have to give it more power (energy).

Friction reduces efficiency because energy is lost as what?

Mainly as heat (thermal).

What was one result of labor-saving devices such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners?

The increased efficiency of machines like this reduces the time it takes to perform the tasks each did by older methods or means. For example, using a washing machine is more efficient than hand washing clothing. And there is a major time-savingbenefit.