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A prism.

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Q: What shape has two bases that are rectangles and at least two faces that are not squares?
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What are the shapes of faces of the rectangular prism have?

There must be at least two rectangles (to justify the name). The remaining sides can be: 4 squares 2 squares and 2 rectangles 2 squares and 2 rhombi 2 rectangles and 2 parallelograms 4 parallelograms

What is the least amount of bases a prism can have?

A prism *always* has 2 bases. In case you meant "faces" instead of "bases", the prism with the smallest number of faces is the triangular prism - which has 5 faces. If there were any fewer number of faces, the prism which become a two dimensional object.

This quadrilateral has at least one pair of parallel sides?

A trapezium has one and only one such pair. Squares, rhombi, rectangles and parallelograms have two such pairs.

Do all parallelograms have at least one right angle?

The simple answer is no, not all parallelograms have at least one right angle. However, there are some that do. Rectangles and squares are 'special' parallelograms that all have at least one right angle.

What 3d figure havs 6 vertices two bases and 3 other faces and nine edges and at least 2 of my faces are triangles and I have 2 bases?

This would be a triangular prism.

How is a hexagonal prism alike to a hexagonal pyramid?

Both have at least one hexagonal face (base). Both have six faces that are topologically equivalent (either rectangles, or triangles).

Are all rectangles trapezoids?

NO rectangles are trapezoids

What figure has two lines of symmetry?

Equilateral Triangles (3 lines of symmetry)Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Any regular polygon (at least 5 lines of symmetry)

Is a rectangle also a square?

No, but all squares are rectangles because a rectangle is a four sided shape with at least two even sized sides where a square is a four sided shape with all even sides

Difference between a cube and a cuboid?

All edges of a cube are the same length. A cuboid has three quartets of lines: at least one of which is of a length different from the other two. Equivalently, all sides of a cube are squares, at least some sides of a cuboid are rectangles.

What has exactly 1 line of symmetry?

All the at least 1 line of symmetry are called: squares rectangles hexagons octagons triangles semicircles kites parallelograms isosceles triangles equilateral triangles Good Luck Finding an Answer! :)

Does a pyramid have at least two congruent parallel bases?

Not true. They have only one base and several (3 or more) lateral triangular faces. A pyramid has a single vertex over a base - there are no parallel faces in any pyramid.