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A tetrahedron, also called an equilateral triangular pyramid

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Q: What shape is made of 4 congruent shapes and have 4 vertices?
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Is a rectangle made up of congruent shapes?

I think a rectangle is NOT made up of congruent shapes because it only does not have triangles.

A quadrilateral is made up of what shape?

A quadrilateral is a polygon made up of four "sides" or edges and four vertices and corners. So basically it has four sides no matter what shape. Here's some shapes: Parallelogram, butterfly, rectangle, kite, rhombus, and square.

A shape that is made up of two or more shapes?

A shape that is made up of two or more shapes is called a composite figure.

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There is no 3d shape made up of octagons. An octahedron can be one of several different shapes - but without ANY octagonal faces. For example, A hexagonal pyramid (8 faces, 18 edges, 12 vertices) A heptagonal pyramid (8 faces, 14 edges, 8 vertices) A quadrilateral dipyramid (8 faces, 12 edges, 6 vertices)

What is a pentomino shapes?

A pentomino is a polyomino composed of five congruent squares, connected along their edges. They look a bit like nets, but with only 5 squares. Or some of the 5 square blocks in tetras.

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magnets can be made into many shapes . so it can be made

What shape are made from 4 triangles?

Depending on their shapes and sizes you can make plane shapes with 3 to 24 sides.

What are shapes that are made with instruments?

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What is true about a polygon?

a polygon is a closed up shape with vertices and sides ,for example a triangle is a polygon because it is made up of 3 sides and 3 vertices

What are different shapes of pasties?

Pasties can be made in almost any shape. They are most common in round, heart and star shapes