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Q: What shapes have the cross section as a circle?
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What is the cross section of a circle?

The cross section of a circle is a circle. A circle is defined as a plane figure (i.e. 2 dimensional object) with a constant radius in both dimensions. Since a cross section is, by definition 2 dimensional, a circle's cross section is the circle itself.

What is the formula for cross sectional calculations?

It depends on the shape. Many prismatic or conical shapes have simple cross section - such as a polygon, a circle or an ellipse. These have simple, though different, formulae.

What degree in cross section of a sphere?

Every cross-section of a sphere is a circle.

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What shapes have exactly one plane of symmetry?

Shapes with an irregular cross-section.

What is the cross section of a basketball?

A basketball is a sphere so a cross-section would be a circle.

What is a cross section of a basketball?

A Basketball is a sphere so a cross-section would be a circle.

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What is the Shape of a cross section?

A circle.

What is the outline of a cross section of earth called?

A circle. (or approximately a circle if you look closely the mountains and valleys that the cross section cuts through disturb the circle). a mathematical sphere will give a mathematical circle at all cross sections.

What do spheres and cylinders have in common?

The cross section of a sphere is most often a circle. When the cross section is taken parallel to the base of a cylinder, it is also a circle.

What 2D shapes make a sphere?

There is no 2D shape that makes a sphere, since a sphere is 3D by definition. The closest thing to a 2D sphere is a circle.