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Q: What should you do after concluding that your tests support your hypothesis?
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As a scientist what should you do after concluding that your tests support your hypothesis?

The experiment that you will design is done to test the hypothesis.

What can scientists do if their tests do not support their hypothesis?

Amend or discard the hypothesis

What is the step by step process that tests a hypothesis?

The experiment tests the hypothesis.

What tests a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is tested by having trials

The results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis that the experiment was designed to test Was the experiment a waste of time?

The purposes of testing a hypothesis is to test it. Pass or fail, the experiment is a "success" if it does that - tests the hyposthesis. If the results don't support the hypothesis, then that is valuable data that helps you either abandon or refine the hypothesis.

What tests your hypothesis?

By conducting your experiment, the result of that experiment either agrees with your hypothesis or disagrees your hypothesis.

Differences between null and alternative hypothesis?

The difference between the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are on the sense of the tests. In statistical inference, the null hypothesis should be in a positive sense such in a sense, you are testing a hypothesis you are probably sure of. In other words, the null hypothesis must be the hypothesis you are almost sure of. Just an important note, that when you are doing a tests, you are testing if a certain event probably occurs at certain level of significance. The alternative hypothesis is the opposite one.

How is a hypothisis important to science?

Science is based on the principle of falsifiability. It is necessary to develop a hypothesis based on the current understanding. You then make a prediction and design tests or experiments which will either disprove the hypothesis or add support in favour of the scientific theory.

What do you call a hypothesis that has passed several tests and is unlikely to be disproved by future tests?

A theory.

What do scientists do to confirm a hypothesis?

They make continuous tests and evaluations until the hypothesis becomes validated and certified.

Do the T- and Z-values relate to the hypothesis tests?


A good scientist tests his or her hypothesis before the hypothesis is considered supported?

several times, and must get agreement from the scientific community