

What shows that a conjecture is false?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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A conjecture should be testable. You test it and if it fails the test, it is a false conjecture.

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Q: What shows that a conjecture is false?
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What is an example that shows a conjecture is false?

It's a counterexample.

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A mouse is a mammal, but it us not a monkey.

What disproves a conjecture?

a conjecture is disproved if it is shown to be false. this can be done by providing a single concrete example (e.g. with actual numbers, functions, etc) that shows the conjecture's premise does not necessarily lead to its conclusion. alternatively, a conjecture could be shown to be false (i.e. disproved) by demonstrating that IF it were true then a logical consequence would be a clearly wrong statement (e.g. 2 + 2 =5)

Why can a conjecture be true or false?

Because that is what a conjecture is! It is a proposition that has to be checked out to see f it isalways true, false or indeterminate,sometimes true, false or indeterminate,never true, false or indeterminate.Once its nature has been decided then it is no longer a conjecture.

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Every four sided figure is a quadrilateral which includes a parallelogram.

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Counter Example

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How can you prove that a conjecture is false?

Give a counter-example.