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An acute triangle sometimes known as a scalene triangle has 3 different side lengths and 3 different interior acute angles that add up to 180 degrees

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Q: What side lengths makes a triangle acute?
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What does an acute scalene triangle mean?

Three different side lengths and three different acute interior angles.

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How can you use ratios of the side lengths to find the angle measures of the acute angles in a right triangle?

By using trigonometry that is applicable to a right angle triangle.

How do you classify a triangle with 3 given side lengths?

That depends on what the side lengths are. Until the side lengths are known, the triangle can only be classified as a triangle.

How do you find the short leg of a right triangle?

The answer depends on what information you do have about the triangle: the lengths of the other two sides, or the hypotenuse (longest side) and one of the acute angles, or the other leg and one of the acute angles, etc.

Do you have to know three side lengths of a right triangle before you can use trig ratios to find the measure of an acute angle?


What do you call a triangle with no equal sides?

ScaleneIt is a scalene triangle that has 3 different side lengths and 3 different acute angles that add up to 180 degrees.

How do you use scalene triangle in a sentence?

A scalene triangle normally has three different side lengths and three different acute angles that add up to 180 degrees.

What is a scalene trainagle?

A SCALENE triangle has no equal angles and no equal sides. EQUILATERAL Triangle ; All sides are equal and all angles are 60 degrees. ISOSCELES Triangle ; Two sides are equal and two angles are equal RIGHT-ANGLED Triangles ; Two sides may be equal or all three sides of different length. There MUST be ONE angle of 90 degrees. NB THis applies to triangles drawn in 2-dimension only. A plane figure ; A TRIGON . NNB For all triangles the sum of the INTERIOR ANGLES is ALWAYS 180 degrees. NNNB A very Special Case is a triangle drawen across a sphere; 3 dimensional; the sum of the angles may be greater than 180 degrees. e.g. lines of latitude and longitude(meridians) across the Earth.