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dude. it is a map

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Q: What simbolic represents all part of the earth's suface on a flat piece of paper?
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it will turn blue because red litmus paper represents alkaline and blue represents acid

What is a representation of the earths rounded surface on a flat piece of paper?

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Is a symbolic representation of all or part of the earths surface on a flat of paper?

A map.

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Tearing paper represents a physical and not a chemical change. Chemical bonds are not broken in this instance, but paper is physically separated (by force) from other paper.

What is the word that represents a page torn from a magazine or some publication printed on paper?

Tear Sheet

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This dream is a nice illustration of your learning from your teacher's instructions. The paper folding represents the "papers" that are assigned, the flower is knowledge, and your video taping represents your preserving the lesson in your memory.

Why doesn't a closed paper bag collapse under weight of earths atmosphere?

There is air pressure in that bag too

What part of the natural environment does the crumpled paper represent?

You didn't give enough information, and I'm assuming you're talking about science. The crumpled paper represents a watershed.

What is meaning of BF in kraft paper?

BF stands for "Burst Factor" in kraft paper. It is a measurement that represents the strength of the paper and indicates how much pressure or force it can withstand before bursting. The higher the BF value, the stronger the kraft paper.

Why do recycling paper conserves earths resources?

so that people dont write on this like bulidings and cars or anything or anything elese

What does paper represent?

Paper can symbolize communication, knowledge, and creativity. It can also signify permanence, as written or printed words on paper can endure for a long time. Additionally, paper is often associated with bureaucracy and official documentation.