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299,792,458 meters (186,282 miles) per second.

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Q: What speed does light travel through space?
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Related questions

What are waves that travel through space at the speed of light called?

All electromagnetic waves travel through space at the "speed of light". Light is one form of electromagnetic waves.

How fast do waves travel through space?

all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed through space. This is the speed of light, or 300 000 000 m/s (3x108 m/s).

Is it true that different kinds of E-M waves travel through space at different speeds?

No. All E-M waves travel through space at the same speed, known as the"Speed of Light".

Is it possible to travel at the speed of light in water?

The speed of light in water is less than the speed of light in space. Only light can travel at the speed of light.

What speed do electromagnetic energy travel through space?

186,000 miles or 300,000,000 meters per second. The speed of light.

Do electromagnetic waves all travel at the same speed through space?

Through a vacuum ... yes. Through outer space, which is not quite a vacuum ... not quite, but very very close.

What form of energy can travel through space at the speed of light?

(a) Electromagnetic waves; that includes light. (b) Gravity waves.

Who discovered that electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space at the speed of light?

James Clerk Maxwell.

Can you travel through time in space?

Theoretically, it is possible to travel through time: by travelling at a great speed. But the speed at which you would have to travel would be faster than the speed of light, and would therefore kill every known living being.

At what speed do light waves in space travel?


Why does an electromagnetic wave in space never slow down?

In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.

What is the refractive index?

refractive index is the measure of how how fast or slow light travel through a material reference to the speed of light in empty space.