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Q: What statement is used to assign a value to a variable?
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An Assignment operator in Java is the operator that is used to assign a variable a value. if you declare int x = 10; then the value 10 is assigned to the variable x. here the "=" symbol is the assignment operator.

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I will give examples in the Java language.Assign a value to a variable, with the equal sign. For example, if you want the variable "a" to have the value 5:int a;a = 5;Note that the first sentence declares the variable, this has to be done only once. After that, you can assign values to the variable several times; each value you assign will erase the previous value.The declaration and the assignment can be combined, thus:int a = 5;

What is the general form for the JavaScript statement used to assign a value to a text box object within a form?

document.formname.textfieldname.value = variable_or_literal

What machine instruction is used to assign a value to a variable in c plus plus?

MOVE, STORE, LOAD, or something similar, CPU-dependent.

What is the term used for undefined terms?

We often call "undefined terms" variables. Their value is not known; it can vary. And thus the name we assign them is variable.

Why can't you use a equals equals sign for a for statement?

This answer applies to programming languages in general. The equals sign is used for assignment. For example, the code "$variable = 1" assigns the value of 1 to the variable $variable. If you want to test whether values are the same (equality) the double equals sign is used. For example, when you want to verify that $variable has been assigned the value of 1 you would use: $variable == 1

What is a select case statement used for in programming?

In programming, select case statement is a way to test the inside of a variable. It is used when one knows there is a limited number of things that can be in the variable.

What does equals equals mean in java?

operator to compare two objects. The simple "=" sign is used for assignment - assigning a value to a variable. Here are examples of the two: x = 15; // Assign the value 15 to the variable if (x == 10) ... // Compare variable "x" with some value

What is different between equals equals and equals method in java?

== (the double equal sign) is used to compare two values (resulting in true if they are equal, false otherwise). = (a single equal sign) is used to assign a value to a variable.

How can a variable be used in JAVA?

A variable is just a memory location of a valuea variable is accessed by a namesuppose of the integer type u got a variable aSoDECLARATION-int a;and then store any integer value to a.a=4;or take input from user.then perform any arithmetic function on a.a+5;returns 9;there are different variables but the essential concept behind variables is the same!

Which operator is use to find address of a variable?

The dereference operator. In C, we use the * operator for this. Note that the * symbol has several meanings in C (multiplication, pointer declaration and pointer dereferencing). The meaning is determined from the context in which it is used. int x, y; /* integer variables */ int* p; /* pointer variable (pointer to int) */ x = 42; /* assign a value to the x variable */ p = &x; /* assign the address of the x variable to the pointer variable p */ y = *p; /* assign the value pointed to by p (42) to the variable y */