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That depends on its radius which has not been given but the area of a circle is pi*radius squared

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Q: What the area of each circle. Use 3.14 as an approximation for π?
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What is the radius of a circle if its area is 314?


What is the area of a circle with a radius of 10mm?

314 sqmm

What is the area of a circle whose radius is 10cm?

The area is 314 cm2

Is the area of a circle with a diameter of 20 feet?

314 ft2

What is the area of a circle with diameter 20 feet?

314 ft2

How do you calculate each side of a square when there is 9 circles with an area of 314 each?

I'm assuming you mean the following:--------|OOO||OOO||OOO|--------Where:Each circle touches, but does not overlap, each adjacent circleThere is no gap between the edge of the circles and the edge of the squareThe area of each circle is 314 units2Let r be the radius of a circleThe area of a circle is pi x r2r = square root of (314 / pi)r = approx*. 10 unitsThe length of each side of the square = 6 x r = approx*. 60 units* approximate, because the value of pi is not exactly 3.14

What is the radius of a circle whose area is 314 feet squared?

10 feet.

What is circumference of a circle whose area is 314 squared?

The circumference is 62.815 units.

What is the surface area of a circle with a circumference of 314 inches?

Circumference = 314 inches implies radius = 49.97 inches and so area = 7846.02 sq inches (approx).

What is the area of a circle with a 10'' radius?

3.14*r*r=area 3.14*100=314 or 100pi

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 10 inches in circular inches?

100pi, or approximately 314.

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 10 in using 3.14 for pi?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 314.0