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Q: What thing happen 1 time in a year 2 time in month 4 time in a week and 6 time in a day?
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What is a thing which come once in a year twice in a day four time in a month and six time in a week?


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Your period occurs once a month.

What is the thing which is come 1 in a year and comes for 4 times in a month and comes 6 time in a week and come 2 time in a day?


Is there such thing as a lazy week?

yes. girls have it for a week each month til they're old

What do you call a month and a week?

They are standard time units.

Is century a concrete noun?

No, the noun 'century' is an abstract noun. All nouns for time, minute, day, week, month, etc. are abstract nouns; time is a concept, not a physical thing.

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What is this in year 1 time month 2 week 4 day 6 time?

year 1 month 2 week 4 day 6 answers

Comes 1 time in year and 4 time in months and 6 time in week and 2 time in day?

the letter E but u said it wrong what is the thing that come 1 time in a yEar, 2 times in EvEry month, 4 times in EvEry wEEk and 6 times in Each and EvEry singlE wEEkday

How can the moon help measure time?

look at it and decide whether it is full or not work out what it is and then look at the calender that will tell you exactly what the month of the year is and the week of the month and the day of the week

What will happen if you put a dirty penny in a cup of soda?

the penny will get clean in a month or year or week luv hahagal