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The focal length of the main optical system and the focal length of the lens forming the image.

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Q: What times what equals the total magnification'?
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What is the rule for the total magnification of a compound microscope?

Multiply the magnification or power of the objective lens times the power of the eyepiece and it equals the total magnification

How do you calculate field diameter?

Field diameter of lens B equals field diameter of lens A times total magnification of lens A divided by total magnification of lens B

Is total magnification an eyepiece magnification plus an objective magnification?

The total magnification is the object magnification for example 4x,10x etc. times eyepiece magnification usually 10x and you get the total magnification. The objective lens magnification is the lens right above the slide usually 4x,10x etc.

If a microscope lens has a magnification of 15 and another has a magnification of 40 what is the total magnification of the microscope?

it would be 15 times 40 which is 600 times magnification

What is the total magnification of a microscope with a 10x Eyepiece and a 40x Objective?

The total magnification of the microscope when using the 40x objective depends on the strength of the eye piece lens. Typically a 10x eye piece lens is used in college microscopes this would give 40x10 = 400x magnification.

What is the total magnification if the eyepiece lens has a magnification of 10 times and the objective lens is 10 times?

To quote Wikipedia;"The angular magnification is given by : :: : where Mo is the magnification of the objective and Me the magnification of the eyepiece." So 10x X 20x = 200x

What happens to total magnification if increase objective lens?

Total magnification is calculated by objective times ocular lens. So if you increase the objective lens is directly related to an increase in magnification.

10 times eye piece 40 times objective lens?

Each objective lens has a different magnification. Multiply the magnification of the eyepiece by the magnification of the objective lens to produce total magnification. For example, a 10X ocular lens and a 40X objective lens will produce a total magnification of 400X (10 x 40 = 400).

What is the total magnification of a microscope with two lenses when one lens has a magnification 15 and the other lens has a magnification 30?

15 * 30 = 450 ------------

How does a scientist figure out the total magnification on a microscope?

Magnification of objective multiplied by magnification of eyepiece. I usually work with 40x and 60x ojectives and 10x eyepiece, so total magnifications of my observations are respectively 400 and 600 times.

What does total magnification mean?

Total magnification means enlarging something in terms of appearance to the full extent. This is the measure of how many times bigger something can get compared to actual size.

What is the magnification of the eyepiece on a microscope?

To determine the magnification of the eyepiece on a microscope take the total magnification for the microscope and divide it by the total magnification of the objective lens. The answer is what the magnification is for the eyepiece.