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Q: What two dimensions in addition to mass are commonly used by physicists?
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What are the dimensions of mass density?

Density has dimensions of (mass) divided by (volume) = M L-3

What is another name for mass?

mass commonly refers to any of the following three properties of matter , which have been shown experimentally to be equivalent:inertial mass,active gravitational mass, andpassive gravitational mass.

How do you find the mass of electrons?

Nuclear Physicists don't really count electrons to have weight. An atom's mass comes from protons and neutrons.

Why the mass is dimensionless?

Mass does have dimension. It is M L0 T0. Of course basic! But it has dimension. Mass is one of the basic dimensions. For example momentum has dimensions ML/T

What is the formula for a rectangle base prism?

The answer will depend on formula for WHAT! Its dimensions, surface area, volume, principal diagonal, mass. And on what information is available.The answer will depend on formula for WHAT! Its dimensions, surface area, volume, principal diagonal, mass. And on what information is available.The answer will depend on formula for WHAT! Its dimensions, surface area, volume, principal diagonal, mass. And on what information is available.The answer will depend on formula for WHAT! Its dimensions, surface area, volume, principal diagonal, mass. And on what information is available.

How do you measure matter size?

By mass, by volume or by dimensions.

What two dimensions in addition to mass are commonly used by physicists to derive additional measurements?

One possible set of SI units and what they measure are: kilogram (mass)'meter (distance) second (time) ampere (electric current) kelvin (temperature) mole (amount of chemical substance) candela (luminous intensity). It is possible to change this set. For example, you could use speed and time as basic units and define speed/time as the derived unit of distance.

How many pounds is this 920mmx70kg?

This question cannot be answered. A pound is a measure of mass and so has dimensions [M]. A kilogram is a measure of mass and so has dimensions [M]. A millimetre is a measure of distance and so has dimensions [L]. So a mm * kg has dimensions [ML]. There is a mismatch in dimensions between pounds and mm*kg which means that any conversion between the two is not valid.

What are all of the dimensions?

All physical quantities are combinations of one or more of the dimensions of length, mass, time, and electric charge.

How do you find weight when given mass and dimensions?

You can't.If I tell you that the volume is "One quart", you still have no idea what the mass is.In fact, there are millions of different things it can be.If the quart volume is full of air, the mass is small.If the quart volume is full of vacuum, its mass is even smaller.If the quart volume is full of milk, its mass is medium.If the quart volume is full of rock, its mass is large.By the way ... if you know the dimensions, you can calculate the volume.Volume and dimensions give the same information.

Is anything that has mass and takes up space is matter?

True, Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass<3 However, physicists say that some particles of matter are massless, such as photons.

Where do you go if you are pulled into a black hole?

Based on the general consensus among physicists, you go to the center of the black hole and become part of its mass.