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The extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius are the two muscles inserts on the fifth phalanx or the the fifth metatarsal.

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Q: What two muscles insert on the fifth phalanx or the the fifth metatarsal?
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What bone is proximal to the fifth metatarsal?

The cuboid is proximal to the fifth metatarsal. It's the most lateral of the tarsals.

How do you break fifth metatarsal?

By breaking it with a hammer.

What muscles abduct the proximal phalanges?

The abductor digiti minimi muscle abducts the fifth proximal phalanx. The abductor pollicis brevis abducts the thumb. The dorsal interossei muscles abduct the other fingers.

Is your pinky a real finger?

Of course, it is your fifth finger (of fifth phalanx, medically).

What is the insertion of the peroneus tertius muscle?

The base of the fifth metatarsal

Where is the distal three-fourths of the 5th metatarsal?

The fifth metatarsal is the bone on the outside edge of the foot. The distal part of it is the part farthest from the ankle and closest to the little toe.

Another name for the foot bones?

There are 26 bones in each foot, not including the 2 sesamoid bones located underneath the first metatarsal head. starting from number 1 (heel) move to number 17 (last bone of each toe not including big toe) you might want to google these bones to see in x-ray or picture where exactly they are if you are unsure 1 Calcaneus 2 Talus 3 Navicular 4 Medial cuneiform 5 Intermediate cuneiform 6 Lateral cuneiform 7 Cuboid 8 First metatarsal 9 Second metatarsal 10 Third metatarsal 11 Fourth metatarsal 12 Fifth metatarsal 13 Proximal phalanx of great toe 14 Distal phalanx of great toe 15 Proximal phalanx of second toe 16 Middle phalanx of second toe 17 Distal phalanx of second toe

What is the most frequently broken carpal bone?

Fifth metacarpal, boxers fracture it's called , in the foot it's fifth metatarsal and called dancers fracture.

6 What is the finger bones called?

The phalanges. Each finger has a proximal (closest to the hand) and distal (furthest) phalanx, the second through the fifth each have a middle or intermediate phalanx.

What muscle attaches to the base of the fifth metatarsal?

Peroneus Brevis Tendon (Laterally) Peroneus Tertius Tendon (Dorsally)

Which metacarpal is proximal to the little finger?

The fifth metacarpal articulates proximally with the little finger. The fifth proximal phalanx meets the fifth metacarpal at the knuckle of the pinkie finger.

Can fifth metatarsal heal without surgery if separated by 3mm?

I have a 5th metatarsal break now. Mine is 1 mm separated. The doctor told me anything MORE than 1 mm does not make a union well and would probably need a screw inserted. Good luck to all who have this problem!