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Q: What two numbers when multiplied by themselves would equal nine?
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No two numbers exist.for the two numbers to be added to be negative and multiplied to be positive, both numbers must be negative, and the highest possible multiplication for two numbers added to -12 would be (-6 and -6) but multiplied, yields 36. So, no such numbers would exist.

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they are called square numbers because, the numbers that are being multiplied by itself(5x5=25)would equal its' sum OR answer. These numbers would be a perfect square.

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to get the factors of a number you figure out what numbers multiplied together would equal the number youre trying to get factors for

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the answer would only be 12*11 but other wise there really isn't any other two numbers to multiply by

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No two numbers that can be completely written down with digits can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided to equal PI. If they could be divided to equal PI, then PI would be a rational number. But it isn't.

What number multiplied by 32 would equal 81?

The number that multiplied by 32 would equal 81 is 2.53125.

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well you could figure it out you could find out what same two numbers multiplied would equal up to it if none do do the math or get a calculator

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It would just be 598x.

What two numbers equal 96?

1 and 95? 2 and 94?90 and 6 if you add them.16 and 6 if you multiply them.102 and 6 if you subtract them.576 and 6 if you divide them

Are all multiples of a prime numbers prime numbers?

no, because then they would be divisible by the number you multiplied it by.