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Do you mean an electronegativity difference? Then this would be an ionic bond.

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Q: What type of bond has an electromagnetically difference of greater than 1.7?
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Is mgO a covalent bond?

No. It is ionic because the electronegativity difference is greater than 1.7 (2.3).

What is more polar a carbon hydrogen bond or a carbon oxygen bond?

A carbon-oxygen bond is more polar than a carbon-hydrogen bond, because the difference in electronegativity between carbon and oxygen is greater than the difference in electronegativity between carbon and hydrogen.

What type of electronegativity difference exists between atoms in a covalent bond?

If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is less than 1.7, then a covalent bond is formed between the two atoms.

Is MgO a polar covalent bond?

No. It is ionic because the electronegativity difference is greater than 1.7 (2.3).

Is Be plus Cl a ionic bond?

since the electromagnetic difference between the 2 is less than 1.7.. it is NOT an ionic bondionic bonds have a difference of greater than 7covalent bonds are less than 1.7 difference

How is electronegativity used to determine bond types?

If the electronegativity difference is less than 2, then covalent bonds are formed. If the electronegativity difference is greater than 2, then ionic bonds are formed.

Are ionic bonds non polar?

No. Ionic bonds are ionic, in which the difference of electronegativities between the atoms forming the bond are greater than 1.7. Nonpolar bonds are covalent bonds in which the difference of electronegativities of the atoms forming the bond is less than 0.5.

Does covalent compounds have a high or low electronegativity?

In comparison with ionic bonds, the difference in electronegativities of elements in a covalent bond have a lower difference in electronegativities. A covalent bond occurs between two nonmetals that have a difference in electronegativities that is 1.7 or less. Usually an ionic bond has a difference in electronegativities that is greater than 1.7, but not always.

Do ionic bonds have a greater or lesser electronegativity difference between them than a covalent bond?

The difference in electronegativity between two elements bonded into a compound by ionic bonds is almost always greater than the difference in electronegativity between two elements bonded into a compound by covalent bonds.

What bond would F - F be?

This would be an ionic bond. The electronegativity of Hydrogen is about 2.2 and the electronegativity of Fluorine is about 4.0. The difference is 1.8 which is greater than 1.7, the minimum difference for an ionic bond. Added: Or it is (at least) a very polar-covalent bond. Figures 1.7 or 1.8 are in the 'discussion' range

A bond between two atoms with a difference in electronegativities greater than 1.7 is classified as?

It represents the boundary between what is considered to be an ionic or a covalent bond.

What is a rule for predicting whether or not a bond will be ionic?

If the difference in electronegativity between the elements is greater than 2 then the bond will be ionic, if its between 1.6 and 2 then it will be ionic if one of the elements is a metal.