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This is called deductive reasoning.

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Q: What type of thinking involves determining what must be true based on given rules and conditions?
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While philosophy, critical thinking, and creative thinking are all type of thinking, there is not much of a relationship between them. Philosophy concerns itself with larger issues of how to conduct oneself. Critical thinking involves making choices based on the input available for evaluation. Creative thinking involves looking at every thought occurring about a project, regardless of whether it is practical or not.

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School districts determine whether or not to declare a snow day based on safety conditions for their students. Icy roads, visibility conditions are all considered when determining whether or not to call a snow day.

What is thinking spatially?

Thinking about the world based on the space that objects and people fill. Not exactly. If you're talking in terms of sequential thinking and spatial thinking, then spatial thinking is thinking visually. You think with the right side of your brain. Spatial thinking involves analysis, problem solving, and pattern prediction involving objects and their spatial relationships. It can involve geometry, and geometric thinking, mathematical transformation of information, engineering and architecture, astronomy, geography, informatics, modeling, video gaming, and the arts.

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Self-oriented perception in thinking refers to the tendency to view situations and events primarily in relation to oneself. It involves interpreting information based on how it impacts one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, often leading to a subjective and egocentric perspective.

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Creative thinking