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F = m a = (976) (2.5) = 2,440 newtons

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Q: What unbalanced force is needed to give a 976 kg vehicle an acceleration of 2.50 meters per second squared?
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What is the mean of 2g?

g is a measurement of acceleration namely 9.8 meters per second squared. When there is an acceleration of 2g then simply multiply 9.8 meters per second squared times 2 or 19.6 meters per second squared.

In what units is acceleration expressed a newtons b foot pounds c kilograms d meters per second squared?

Assuming you want the international units: time: second velocity: meters / second distance: meters acceleration: meters / second2

What is 9.8m divided by s squared?

9.8 meters per second squared is the acceleration of gravity.

Why do we a use the units meters per second squared when we talk about acceleration?

For every second of acceleration the velocity is increased by that acceleration.

What is the SI unit of negative acceleration?

The SI unit for acceleration is meters per second squared. This applies to ANY acceleration.

Ten meters per second squared describes what?

The acceleration of gravity.

What does the slope of an acceleration-position graph indicate?

Meters/seconds squared

What is the acceleration of gravity on earth equation?

9.8 meters/second squared

What is the acceleration of an object in a free fall at Earth's surface?

The acceleration is 9.807 meters per second squared.

What is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth in meters per sec?

[ 9.807 meters per second squared ] is.

What is the acceleration of a 55kg football player who has a force of 110N?

The player's acceleration is 2 meters per second squared.

What does the phrase ten meters per second squared describes?

Ten meters per second squared, or ten meters per second per second is the term used for acceleration. In this case it is referring to the acceleration caused by gravity. If you were on the top of a steep cliff and threw a ball over the side, it would accelerate at 10 meters per second squared. So after 10 meters is would be going 20 meters a second.