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What was one positive and negative of the growth of railroads

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Q: What was one positive and negative of the growth of railroads?
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What was one positive and negative effect of the growth of railroads?

positive: Railroads made it easier for people to travel long distances. They also helped many industries to grow.negative: Caused Corruption among the society. One of the most well-known cases of corruption was the Credit Mobilier scandal.

Rules for adding integers?

When you add: a negative and a negative: you get a negative a positive and a positive: you get a positive a positive and a negative or a negative and a positive: Subtract the addend with the smaller value from the greater one. If the greater one is positive, your answer will be positive. If the greater addend is negative, your answer will be negative.

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-- Remember which one was positive and which was negative, then forget about the signs.-- Write down the one that was positive-- Subtract from it the one that was negative(Notice that if the negative one was bigger, then the answer will be negative.)

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Positive one are helpful, negative one are unhelpful

When you mutiply a positive number by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

The answer will ALWAYS be negative positive x negative=negative and vice versa positive x positive= positive

When you multiply a positive number by a negative by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

A negative times a positive is a negative and that negative times a negative would = a positive. So the answer would be a positive number. *<:)

Is negative good or bad?

It depends on what sense your using the word negative. However, if everything were negative, you would never know what positive was. If everything were positive, you would never know what negative was. Its all about learning proper balance, how one affects the other, and how we can use this information for appropriate growth. Growth cannot be achieved without the knowledge and wisdom of both.

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How is the battery trminals hook up positive to positive or negative to positive?

Positive to positive, negative to negative if you are asking about installing one battery in a vehicle.

How do i times by a minus number?

The same as a positive one. If you are multiplying a positive number by a negative, the answer will be negative. If you are multiplying a negative number by a negative, the answer will be positive.

When you multiply a positive number by ba negative one what is the sign of the answer?

when you multiply a positive number by a negative number it is a negative. if u multiply a negative by a negative then it is positive